Pastor Terry L Beckwith
The 2nd book of the Bible, Exodus, provides pivotal views of God and His relationship with His people, the Jews. Of course, so many parallels to our everyday Christian life can be made as Pastor expounds the truths of the Word.
- The More They Afflicted Them, The More They Multiplied and Grew (03/03/19)
- The Midwives Feared God and Did Not as the King of Egypt Commanded Them (03/10/19)
- And She Called His Name Moses (03/17/19)
- The Compassion of Moses (03/24/19)
- The Courage and Contentment of Moses (03/31/19)
- Here Am I (04/07/19)
- The Contempt of Moses By His 1st and 2nd Excuses (04/14/19)
- The Contempt of Moses By His 3rd, 4th and 5th Excuses (04/28/19)
- Moses and Aaron Went (05/26/19)
- Who Is The Lord That I Should Obey His Voice? (06/02/19)
- I AM THE LORD (06/09/19)
- I Have Made Thee a god to Pharaoh (06/23/19)
- Turning Rods into Snakes and Water into Blood Cannot Save (06/30/19)
- One More Night With The Frogs (07/07/19)
- The Plagues of Lice and Flies (07/14/19)
- The Plagues of Murrain and Boils (07/28/19)
- The Plague of Hail (08/04/19)
- The Plague of Locusts (08/11/19)
- The Plague of Darkness (08/18/19)
- Yet Will I Bring One Plague More Upon Pharaoh (08/25/19)
- It is the LORD'S Passover (09/01/19)
- This Day Shall Be Unto You For A Memorial (09/08/19)
- There Was a Great Cry in Egypt (09/15/19)
- The LORD Brought Us Forth Out of Egypt (09/22/19)
- And Israel Saw That Great Work Which the Lord Did Upon the Egyptians (09/29/19)
- The Song of Moses and the Children of Israel (10/13/19)
- The People Murmured Against Moses (10/20/19)
- Your Murmurings Are Not Against Us, But Against The Lord (10/27/19)
- It is Manna (11/03/19)
- Manna - An Example of the Lord Jesus Christ (11/10/19)
- Is the LORD Among Us or Not? (11/17/19)
- JEHOVAH-NISSI (The LORD is My Banner) (12/01/19)
- The Thing That Thou Doest Is Not Good (12/29/19)
- The Covenant of God With Israel - pt.1 (01/05/20)
- The Covenant of God With Israel - pt.2 (01/12/20)
- Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Before Me (01/19/20)
- Thou Shalt Not Make, Not Bow Down, Nor Serve (01/26/20)
- Thou Shalt Not Take The Name of the Lord Thy God in Vain (02/02/20)
- Remember the Sabbath Day to Keep it Holy (02/16/20)
- Remember the Lord's Day (Sunday) to Keep it Holy (02/23/20)
- Honour Thy Father and Thy Mother (03/01/20)
- Thou Shalt Not Kill (03/08/20)
- Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery - With Other gods (03/15/20)
- Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery With Other Gents Or Gals (06/28/20)
- Thou Shalt Not Steal (07/05/20)
- Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness Against Thy Neighbor (07/12/20)
- Thou Shalt Not Covet (Desire) (07/19/20)
- To Fear or Not to Fear, That is the Question (07/26/20)
- The Book of the Covenant - pt.1 (08/09/20)
- The Book of the Covenant - pt.2 (08/16/20)
- The Book of the Covenant - pt.3 (08/23/20)
- The Book of the Covenant - pt.4 (08/30/20)
- All That the Lord Hath Said Will We Do, and be Obedient (09/06/20)