
We host the following weekly opportunities for the education, encouragement and enrichment of all believers:


10:00am – Sunday School
11:00am – Morning Worship Service


6:30pm – Midweek Prayer Meeting


The men and women of Grace look forward to ministry that’s geared for their gender, age group and stage of life.  Women enjoy special classes, book series, ladies groups, seminars, and events that encourage.  Men enjoy prayer breakfast, outings and events that strengthen.  Godly men and women that have a flourishing and fervent faith, Christlike love, and a goal toward applied wisdom in their spiritual walk is a must in today’s society!


Our youth enjoy a variety of classes and outings tailored to their needs. They find their spiritual growth bolstered not only by youth-oriented preaching and teaching, but also by frequent activities, opportunities for service, and annual youth camp meetings.  Training the next generation to rise above standard youth culture, grow up solidly in the faith, and show genuine Christ-likeness is a top priority! 


We believe firmly in the Great Commission of Matthew 28:18-20, which encourages believers to go forth into all the world teaching and preaching the knowledge of saving faith in Jesus Christ.  As such, we support missions endeavors and ministries with the same goal.  As a gospel-centered ministry, we look forward to the growth of the body of Christ both at home and abroad!