
what we believe about God


We believe God is the infinite, all-powerful, all-knowing, ever-present, self-existent, unchangeable, Creator of all there is. We believe God exists as three distinct, yet inseparable persons known as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (the Trinity) - each equally worthy of worship, trust and obedience - and each with a distinct function in the Godhead.
our church constitution...


what we believe about man


We believe man was created in the image of God, apart from any process of evolution. By disobedience to God's will, man became a sinner - depraved by both nature and choice. Because of this, man is now inherently sinful and in need of restoration to God by the salvation offered through faith in Jesus Christ. Man is not intrinsically good and cannot save himself.
our church constitution...

the scriptures

what we believe about the Bible


We believe the Bible was given by the inspiration of God and is, therefore, the divine revelation of God. Men chosen by God wrote under the guidance and enabling of the Holy Spirit. Thus, every word of the original documents is inspired, inerrant and literally God-breathed. We believe the Bible is authoritative for the faith and practice of every believer.
our church constitution...

the gospel

what we believe about the gosepl

the gospel

We believe that salvation comes strictly by the grace and mercy of God. It is not granted by works or able to be earned by any means. Rather, salvation is a gift of God that comes through faith alone in the person and work of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. For while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Anyone that repents of their sin and receives Christ as their Savior shall be saved.
our church constitution...

the church

what we believe about the church


We believe the church is a voluntary, independent, local group of professing believers. It's also indicative of the body of Christ at large, all across the world. The local church is where believers come together for the study of God's Word, fellowship with God's people and prayer. It's also where believers exercise their God-given gifts to edify and encourage one another in love.
our church constitution...


what we believe about worship


We believe that worship is first and foremost a matter of heart - a right heart offering right worship to God. We also believe that God desires to be worshiped in the beauty of His holiness. Therefore, our worship reflects both a proper heart attitude and a view toward God's holiness. This is seen in our meditation on God's word ahead of the service, the way our music is presented and sung, and the way we generally present ourselves before the Lord.
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