Craig Baker
The book of the Revelation has been seen as the most difficult book of the Bible to understand. Join in to hear Craig’s in-depth study that will take the mystery out of the Apostle John’s book that foretells world history nearly 2,000 years ago.
- Introduction Into The Book Of The Revelation (06/05/22)
- The Vison of the Unveiling of Jesus Christ in Glory - pt.1 (06/12/22)
- The Vison of the Unveiling of Jesus Christ in Glory - pt.2 (06/19/22)
- The Letters to the Seven Churches pt.1 (06/26/22)
- The Letters to the Seven Churches pt.2 (07/03/22)
- The Letters to the Seven Churches pt.3 (07/10/22)
- The Letters to the Seven Churches pt.4 (07/17/22)
- The Letters to the Seven Churches pt.5 (07/24/22)
- The Throne of God - A Glimpse of Heavenly Worship (09/04/22)
- The Throne of God - The Sealed Scroll (09/11/22)
- The Opening of Six of the Seven Seal Judgements - Rev 6 (09/18/22)
- Mercy in the Midst of Wrath - Rev 7 (09/25/22)
- The Trumpet Judgements - Rev 8 (10/02/22)
- The Trumpet Judgements - pt.2 - Rev 9 (10/23/22)
- The Mighty Angel and the Little Scroll - Rev 10 (11/06/22)
- The Two Witnesses - Rev 11 (11/13/22)
- The War Waged in Heaven and on Earth - pt.1 - Rev 12 (11/20/22)
- The War Waged in Heaven and on Earth - pt.2 Rev 12 (11/27/22)
- The Two Beasts - Rev 13 (12/04/22)
- The Great Winepress of God's Wrath - pt.1 - Rev 14 (12/11/22)
- The Great Winepress of God's Wrath - pt.2 - Rev 14 (01/01/23)
- The Preparation of the Vial Judgements - Rev 15 (01/08/23)
- The Vial Judgements - Rev 16 (01/15/23)
- The Judgement on 'Religious' Babylon - pt.1 - Rev 17 (01/22/23)
- The Judgement on 'Religious' Babylon - pt.2 - Rev 17 (02/05/23)
- The Judgement on 'Commercial' Babylon - Rev 18 (02/12/23)
- The Second Coming of Christ - Rev 19 (02/19/23)
- The Millenium - Rev 20 (03/05/2023)
- The New Heaven and New Earth - pt.1 - Rev 21 (03/12/23)
- The New Heaven and New Earth - pt.2 - Rev 21 (03/26/23)
- The Eternal City - The New Jerusalem - Rev 22 (final in series 04/02/23)